Community Disability Advocacy Project Logo

A Model for Community Disability Advocacy

This model provides communities with a guide on how they can mobilise their community to work alongside people with disabilities in achieving positive local change. Collaboration and representation can be powerful tools for creating positive and lasting change for the communities we live in. Having a broad cross-section of passionate community members is key to a Network's success.

Diversity not only invites new knowledge and concepts that are often invisible in our communities, but also invites a range of people with different social capital and strengths to influence key decision makers. Community Disability Advocacy Networks must always have the voice of the people immediately affected by the issues at the forefront of everything they do. Creating diversity, collaboration, and partnerships can mean working alongside:

  • People with disabilities that are affected by the issues.
  • Other community members that are interested in supporting positive change (i.e., family members, carers, supports, friends etc.)
  • Existing community networks, groups, and partners (i.e., sporting clubs, arts communities, parenting groups etc.).
  • Community-based service representatives that support those affected by the issue (I.e., Disability Service Organisations, Emergency Relief Providers, Job Network Providers etc.).
  • Relevant local government representatives and policy makers.
  • Local organisations, schools, and businesses that have a stake in the changes the Networks are seeking.
  • Industry professionals such as professionals in built design; tourism; health care; and academia.
A graphic showing the 'Shared Purpose' linking together; People with Disabilities. Family, carers and other community members. Local Government. Community Services. Local organisations, business and schools.